The Complete Senior Consult System

Planning the best senior sessions - step by step


Consult Outline, Session Timeline & What To Expect, FAQ, Session Tips & Reminders, Parent & Senior Questionnaires PLUS all email templates & forms you'll need to guide your clients through the entire process to an amazing session.

If it feels like pulling teeth to get one of your senior sessions planned, you've sent all the emails that remain unopened, you've tried ALL the tricks but still can't seem to get mom and senior on the same page, then you're in the right place . . .

In your local area today, I bet there are dozens of photographers all trying to land the same clients. It's tough to stand apart in this over saturated market where everyone thinks they are a photographer now.

You have a choice to make.

You can do what everyone else around is doing or you can STAND OUT by offering an exceptional client experience with the ones you do have.

When you do that guess what happens? THEY TALK! And in a good way. If you can show a mama how much you care about her little girl down to the very last detail around this special day she's been dreaming of for years, then you have won her loyalty and she will shout your name from the rooftops.

Here's what I can tell you. When mamas talk, they multiply. The phone rings. And the calendar fills up.

That's the power of The Senior Consult.

Take care of their babies, and the mamas will take care of you.

How do I know?

I've been a senior photographer for 15 years now. I've been through countless senior sessions - some rough & rocky ones in the beginning of my career to well-planned, creative and smooth-sailing sessions now.

I know what it's like for a senior to show up with a bag of wrinkled clothes expecting you to "photoshop" those wrinkles right out.

I know what it's like for a mom to not have the correct address or phone number, the stress when the senior forgets her favorite sweater (or worse - her bra!) or when she shows up with (SURPRISE) her 3 new puppies!

Or the blank stares mom gives because she thought I knew her daughter wanted to ride horse back gracefully in her prom gown with her hair flying beautifully behind her in a remote location 45 minutes away because there's a creek that they like there.

Ok, maybe I exaggerated (a little bit) on that last one, but you get the point!

I get it!

I've wanted to throw my hands up in the air too! I've cried my eyes out after a session because NOTHING seemed to go right. Sound familiar?

You just want a solid plan for your sessions, one where everyone is on board and excited, knows what to expect before, during and after the session. You want to be calm and in control. You want to be creative but still give your clients the images they want. You want to give them an amazing experience and get a really nice sale on the other side of it. Right?

What you need is a step by step guide on how to plan your senior sessions taught by someone who has worked with hundreds of seniors to perfect the process.

That's why I created . . .


Ok! I'm ready. What do I get?

  • A rock solid step-by-step plan you can build on. You'll learn exactly how I conduct my senior session consults from beginning to end to create the most well-planned senior sessions.
  • The Parent Questionnaire. Know the questions to ask mom to get to exactly what she wants for her senior, for herself and for her home.
  • The Senior Questionnaire. Wanna know what your senior client is actually thinking? What she likes and doesn't like? Ask her! You'll get the exact questions I ask my seniors for their sessions.
  • Email templates. You'll need the emails to send along with the questionnaires, right? Not to mention the senior session timeline and the session prep emails too!
  • Done for you forms. Pre-Consult Checklist, Consult Outline, Outfit & Location Planning and lots more!
  • All text included. I don't hold back.


Hey guys! I'm Jena.

I'm a mama to 3 boys, senior photographer for 15 years and now a blogger and educator at Senior Studio Success.

I teach other senior photographers how to run productive and profitable studios using the systems, workflows and strategies I've learned over the years in my own studio.

I love to teach photographers how to create that extra breathing room we all so desperately need in our bank accounts and on our calendars so that we can invest in what really matters most to us.

I'm so glad you stopped by to check out this course :)

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own. Yep, even your phone :)
What if I am unhappy with the course?
I would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact me in the first 30 days and I will give you a full refund.
Will this work if I don't have a studio?
Absolutely! Most of my senior photography clients travel 30 minutes to 2 hours for their sessions. Hoping to ease the travel time a bit for my clients I created this online senior consult system and it works beautifully. So don't worry whether you have a studio or not. This system will work either way :)
Is the text included?

Grab your spot in this step-by-step course and finally get the confidence you need to guide your senior photography clients through the session consult, calm their nerves, get them organized for their session day and pre-sell for their ordering appointment too.

All for just $47 (through April 30th)

I know how hard this crazy uncertain time in our world and business is, and that is why I want to offer you this introductory price of $47 to help ease the financial burden. I believe wholeheartedly that you will easily earn that small investment back in no time.

Because . . . I am also adding a BIG BONUS during this quarantine too - The Book It Phone Script. This is EXACTLY what I say with every senior inquiry phone call to close the deal, book the session and fill my calendar!

Get started now!